Philip P. Ide

Author, programmer, science enthusiast, half-wit.
Life is sweet. Have you tasted it lately?

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I'm a novelist and have an interest in space science and physics. I've been a programmer for more than 30 years and I like reviewing new and up-and-coming authors.
If you want me to review your novel, please look at my Rules on Reviewing page.

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Scatter Graph

I've added a scatter graph to the Near Earth Object page, to show when objects are at closest approach and at what distance.

· 2020/10/08 14:24 · Phil Ide

Near Earth Objects

Image released into the public domain by Cynthia Stevens

The following data is reproduced from the NASA NEO (Near Earth Object) database, and is updated daily. Each record represents an object such as an asteroid or comet, and notes the date and approximate time the object is closest to the Earth as it passes by. The data is refreshed daily covering the period displayed on this page.

There are 4 tables and 2 graphs:

  1. 10 closest passing objects today->28 days ahead
  2. Objects passing by the Earth today
  3. Objects passing by in the next 28 days
  4. Objects that passed by in the last 7 days
  5. Graph for a 36-day period up 20 million km
  6. Graph for 15-day period up to 1 million kilometers

With each record, there is a link to a JPL page that offers more information on the object. Records are ordered by date and time. Distances are rounded to the nearest kilometre. Object diameters are in metres, and are averaged from current maximum and minimum estimates. Magnitude is absolute magnitude.

Last updated: Wed May 1st 00:01


· 2020/10/07 13:42 · Phil Ide

The Prophecy

MyrddinProphecy is a common theme in fantasy, partly because it tugs on the strings that are entangled with mythos - somehow it just excites us - and partly because it is a huge convenience. Never underestimate the power of a single word. In all of writing, there are few words that are as powerful as Prophecy.

With this one word the author launches everything. All the antagonists take up their roles and positions (and often arms too), and the protagonists start squaring off against them. Not only do they take up positions, they start moving too, each playing their role to perfection.

Everyone has a purpose, a reason for being in the story: to serve the prophecy in one form or another. The stakes are laid bare and a cataclysmic ending is more than just hinted at. Dire futures exist if the prophecy comes to pass (or fails to), and a veritable golden age will begin if the prophecy is foiled (or made manifest). Battle lines are drawn up. There are usually three sides: the protagonists, the antagonists and those that don't want or care to pick a side. Sometimes this last group are entirely in the dark about the whole thing. Things are not just set up either: they're moving.

All this from a single word. Wow.


· 2020/10/06 22:32 · Phil Ide

Orbital Calculator 2.0.7 Released

This is a maintenance update. see Release Notes for details.

· 2020/09/29 14:58 · Phil Ide

Another Day

A busy day today. I had an interview for a job today, so fingers crossed. Orbital Calculator got some attention too: I added the ability to have escape velocities output in km, metres or miles (per second) in the Gravity and Motion calculations - previously, output was just in km/s. I've tested and compiled and tested again, and I'll zip up the various releases and upload them to this site tomorrow (actually, later today - it's nearly 3am!).

I also spent the day upgrading my alternate desktop from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.4. No, let me correct myself there - it refused to upgrade because of a broken python3 symlink that I had no idea how to fix. This was what started a whole world of pain and agony.


· 2020/09/29 02:32 · Phil Ide

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