Philip P. Ide

Author, programmer, science enthusiast, half-wit.
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Some years ago I encoded the cross-vertical multiplication system into PHP code. A 64-bit system can't natively understand any number larger than ~18,446,744,073,709,551,615 so mutiplication of numbers larger than this or whose result is larger than this is completely out of the question without special software or libraries.

I recently updated this code - which could only handle integers - to properly handle floating point numbers. For an explanation on what Cross-Vertical multiplication is and how it works, read on.


You can download the code from the Downloads page, or better yet you can fetch it from the GitHub repository, which will always be the latest version. You can clone the repo:

git clone

..or you can fetch just the latest version without the history by navigating to the GitHub repository in your browser, clicking the green Code button and downloading the zip.

Note there are examples in the test folder for integer and floating point usage.


Using 'long-multiplication' requires one sub-result line per digit in the multiplier, and once all the sub-results have been resolved, they need to be added together.

The problem here is it is possible to run out of space. A second feature of this method is the final result is produced starting at the least significant digit and works its way up to the most significant digit.

Note that each digit in the multiplicand is multiplied by each digit in the multiplier, and the results are then added together. Doing so in a different order would eliminate the sub-results and produce a final result starting with the most significant digit first, and the least significant digit last. If you think about it, this would give you the ability to start calling out the answer before the equation is fully solved. Sweet.

That method is today known as the cross-or-vertical multiplication method, or simply cross-vertical multiply.


// minimal creation
$r = new cvmultiply( $multiplicand, $multiplier ); // parameters are strings
echo $r->raw();    // "1234.1234" format or "1234" if integer
echo $r->format(); // "123,456.123 456 789"

Note that the formatted output defaults to:

  • thousands separator: “,”
  • decimal token: “.”
  • decimal thousands separator: “ ”

The first two parameters are required, but can be addressed by name as `s0` and `s1`. You can change the separators too:

// named parameters in correct order with default values
$r = new cvmultiply( s0: $multiplicand, // no default
                     s1: $multiplier,   // no default
                     milliSep: ",",     // thousands separator
                     decToken: ".",     // decimal token (e.g. decimal point)
                     decSep:   " " );   // separator for 'decimal thousands'

You only need to name the parameters when they are provided out of order (e.g. if you skip any), otherwise naming them is optional. This is typical PHP behaviour.

Once you have created an instance of the `cvmultiply` class, calling either of the methods raw() or format() will perform the calculation and return the result in the desired format. Note the calculation is only performed once, so there is no overhead to calling for example, raw() a dozen times in a row. The first time it will perform the calculation, and on all subsequent times (including calls to format()) it will just return the result.

Floating Point Results

Initially the result will have the correct number of decimal places, but this is then trimmed to remove any trailing zeros. If this then leaves a hanging decimal point (all the decimal values were zero) then this too will be removed and the result will then be an integer.

How it Works

Firstly, you need two numbers, so let's take a simple pair:

    1234 x 5678

For the purposes of demonstration, no digit is duplicated in both numbers. Now let's put them one above the other as usual for long-multiplication:

  x 5678

Next, imagine a box around the first digits:


The rules of this method are simple and always based on the box.

  1. Within each box, there may be other boxes. Multiply the opposite corners of each box and add them together
  2. When there are no corners, multiply vertically

So in the first instance there are no 'corners' and we can only multiply vertically, so we get 5×1 = 5. Now we extend the box to the right:


This time we have corners, so we multiply and add:

    5 x 2 = 10
    6 x 1 =  6
    10 + 6 = 16

The sub-result (16) is greater than 9, causing an overflow. The way to deal with overflows is simple:

    when dealing with overflows, just append a 0:
    5 -> 50
    add the result:
    50 + 16 = 66

    Everything should now look like this:


In fact, a good rule of thumb is to always append a zero to the result, then add the answer. This even works with the first result: 0+5=5.

We extend the box again and repeat the process:


This time we get 5×3 = 15 and 7×1 = 7, and add these together: 15+7 = 22. Note though, the digits 2 and 6 are in the box and haven't been multiplied. They don't form a mini-box, so we multiply them vertically. Then we add all the results: 5×3=15, 7×1=7,6×2=12: 15+7+12 = 34

Again there is an overflow to be added to the previous answer, so our solution now becomes 660+34 = 694. Extend the box again:


Multiplying the box corner we get 5×4=20, 8×1=8. Note that the remaining numbers, 23 and 67 also form a box, so we can cross multiply them, so our solution looks like: 5×4=20, 8×1=8, 6×3=18, 7×2=14 giving 20+8+18+14=60.


We've extended the box as far as it will go, so now we start to shrink it from the left:


Multiply the corners again and the vertical and add the results: 6×4=24, 8×2=16, 7×3=21 gives 24+16+21=61. Append a zero and add the result to give 70061. You should be ahead of me by now but here's the setup after we shrink the box again:


This gives 7×4=28 plus 8×3=24 giving 52. Append the zero, add the result and our running total becomes 700662, then shrink the box again:


Again, there are no corners, so we simply multiply vertically: 4×8=32. Append the zero and add the result:


There is a good explanation with diagrams of how this works here: [](

For a deeper explanation on boxes within boxes, consider the following:

  x 87654321

When our box reaches the maximum extent, there will be inner boxes too.


We already know that 8×7 and 2×1 are the corners of the primary box. The first inner box is formed by the next inward numbers, which are 7×6 and 3×2. Then we imagine another box by stepping inward again, so 6×5 and 4×3. This consumes all the numbers except 5×4 which are vertically aligned, so we multiply them. So the result of this box (as drawn) is:

    8x7 = 56 +
    2x1 =  2 +
    7x6 = 42 +
    3x2 =  6 +
    6x5 = 30 +
    4x3 = 12 +
    5x4 = 20

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blog/articles/software/cvmultiply.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/26 14:16 by Phil Ide

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