Philip P. Ide

Author, programmer, science enthusiast, half-wit.
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Mars Mission Locator

Mars Missions The location of all the missions that have gone to Mars can be confusing when you don't know where they went. Many missions never made it to the surface successfully, or had a malfunction that prevented them from working properly. Some of the landers introduced themselves to the surface with a little too much vigour. Others sailed on past Mars never to be seen again.

The map below details the NASA and ESA missions, including the intended landing sites of the upcoming NASA Mars2020 Perseverance Rover (and the Ingenuity helicopter), and the ESA ExoMars Rover (now slated for launch in 2022). I'll update the map at a later date with something a little less static, and include the USSR/RosCosmos missions, CNSA missions, and any others (such as ISRO, CSA and UAE) that might launch in the future.

If it's red, it didn't end well, although not all of them pancaked: notably, the Beagle 2 appears to have landed safely, but one or perhaps two of its solar panels failed to open (one might have prevented the other from opening), resulting in the antenna being blocked, frustrating communications.

Data is culled (and then massaged) from the NASA/GISS software, Mars24.

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blog/aardvaark/mars_missions.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 12:49 by

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