Philip P. Ide

Author, programmer, science enthusiast, half-wit.
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I have Volumio on a Raspberry Pi 4, which I think is fantastic software, but there are two gripes I have with it:

  1. Despite setting “Allow UI Statics Collection” to off, stats collection is still enabled
  2. In order to play music on the device I'm controlling it from (e.g. my phone), I have to pay

I can do without paying, I've paid enough and I'm on a tight budget but the stats collection gets up my nose. Whilst they may no longer collect UI stats data and send it to themselves, there are cookies from google analytics, google tag manager, facebook and Making me think my data is not being collected when they still do is a bad thing, and the fact that these cookie can track a lot more than 'how I use the player' is horrendous.

Time for something new.


I grabbed a spare micro SD card and installed a copy of DietPi on it (my favourite OS for headless Raspberry Pi's). Once the Pi was up and running, I did some basic configuration stuff (such as change default passwords and give the Pi a hostname), the created a music folder in


, where I could mount the share on my NAS that holds all my music.

Next up, I installed


, which installs MPD, MySQL, PHP, and the O!MPD web management system. You can choose another, DietPi has several you can install in its software catalogue. You can also choose which ebserver engine you want: I chose nginx.

My music folder is:


, so then I used the DietPi-Drive_Manager to mount my share into that folder. O!MPD barfed a few times trying to access that folder, and the best fix I found was to add mpd to the dietpi group. I'm sure someone will tell me that's not the best way, but I had to get it working, and this did the trick.

    sudo usermod -a -G dietpi mpd
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blog/articles/raspberry/mpd_network.1714906337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/05 10:52 by Phil Ide

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