Philip P. Ide

Author, programmer, science enthusiast, half-wit.
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Orbital Calculator

Current Version

This is a portable application, meaning there is no installer. Just unzip into a folder and run the executable. Since it is portable, it can be run from a USB stick.

A full description and a list of the features are available here.
Release notes are available here.

Windows (w7 to w10) Checksum SHA256
32-bit 15f52882c2636774a808f4d0a9d0e022a7ba32ac1fe994d062782e5fa1d680be
64-bit 188debbf31c011f682a991159625cce8da946f2bca14ce7ea9a45fd9d959df69
Apple Mac
There is a Mac version, but is untested. If you'd like to test it for me, drop me a message below
Raspberry PI/armv7l Checksum SHA256
armv7 628aceff01b345463ee22b63d286434f6fc22b64443fbb13ad62311cdba97854
To install a desktop icon and launcher, follow the instructions for Linux below
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blog/aardvaark/downloads.1601390959.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/29 14:49 by Phil Ide

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