Philip P. Ide

Author, programmer, science enthusiast, half-wit.
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Orbital Calculator

Current Version

This is a portable application, meaning there is no installer. Just unzip into a folder and run the executable. Since it is portable, it can be run from a USB stick.

A full description and a list of the features are available here.
Release notes are available here.

Windows (w7 to w10) Checksum SHA256
32-bit a3dfd4851cfc8948060bd9bf7b3c93a032a789e4197ca4bf7e36978d57f456d7
64-bit f33dcf8aed3c8fa817d83aa3e39b85369f5c4cac1fca5fd2824153b01fa827c8
Apple Mac
There is a Mac version, but is untested. If you'd like to test it for me, drop me a message below
Raspberry PI Checksum SHA256
armv7 48d6bce2fadef80aaf7cd25a4b9ecd73ae762934b915b329580e8f3604fe3e8b
To install a desktop icon and launcher, follow the instructions for Linux below
Note: this is untested. If you use this, please let me know if it works or not by leaving a comment below
Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) Checksum SHA256
32-bit ed7de59f1cbcd8f8fef5e009f54b6bec83355e939316eb132b2280f8b209f930
64-bit f47739b38c7310c1a469a62e0bc494056edf223dbc9f4d0de582422b3e187400

If you run the program in Gnome, there is a bug in Nautilus that prevents the program from running. You'll either have to run it from a terminal window or through a desktop icon. You can download this sample desktop file, which will need editing:

  • edit the Exec path to point to the application
  • edit the Path path to point to the same folder (this sets the working directory)
  • save the changes, then rename the file to orbitcalc.desktop
  • copy or move the file to /usr/share/applications
  • copy or move the image file earth128.png to /usr/share/icons

You should now be able to see the icon when you select the applications grid from the taskbar, and from there either launch it or add it to your favourites. Depending on your setup, you may have to log out and back in again to force the applications grid to refresh.

Older Versions

Format Windows (XP to w10)
32-bit Only runs in 32-bit mode

The v1.x series are much smaller and lighter on system resources, so may be a good choice if that's what you need. Note however, there are some known bugs in it (although they're subtle enough you probably won't notice them), and the functionality is limited.

Upgrading Orbital Calculator

Upgrading from v1 to v2

Unzip the new version into a new folder and run the program. In the Application menu, select Import Data and select your v1 database (orbit.dat).

Upgrading from v2 to a later version of v2

Simply unzip the latest version over the top of your current installation. Your data files and preferences will be retained.

Import Files

These files can be imported into Orbital Calculator

File Description Checksum SHA256
Exoplanets 669 Exoplanets from a NASA archive26c67d34b7b3ac0471686f5b2e5d448ba57290bf05bf725ed89f1362e0efcd92

Other Software

Cross-or-Vertical multiplication algorithm Download PHP code to multiply huge numbers.(Note: any computation taking longer
than 30 seconds or above the size set in php.ini will require some editing of php.ini.)
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blog/aardvaark/downloads.1570870159.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/12 08:49 by Phil Ide

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